Type: Klient

Kategori: Eksamensangst

Kort beskrivelse: Exam anxiety

Resultat: Maria and I had two sessions in the week leading up to my university exams earlier this year, as I was feeling very anxious. I’ve previously experienced a complete black-out during an exam, and since then I have feared experiencing something similar which I guess has only helped make my exam anxiety worse. During our sessions Maria asked me to describe what happened before/after the black-out, and my feelings associated with this. She asked me to define my discomfort on a scale 1-10, this was a 9 before we started the treatments. Then she explained that we would do what she called a full sequence, tapping on different points, while saying a sentence out loud. We tested a couple of sentences so I could identify what sentence resonated the most with my discomfort. Then she guided me through a full sequence, showing me what points to tap, so I was familiar with the points, and could ask any questions along the way. As it was an online session, this was a great help for me, as I had no experience with TFT beforehand. After this we did 3 rounds, and by the end of the session my discomfort was at a 0. On the morning of the day of the exam, we had another session. I was nervous, and my discomfort was at a 3, but nothing compared to what it had been before the first session. Maria guided me through a couple of rounds of TFT, with me ending up at a 0 again. I got through the exam without black-outs or any feelings of anxiety, and I would definitely recommend this treatment to anyone with similar challenges.


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