Type: Klient

Kategori: Fobier

Kort beskrivelse: Fear of dentistry

Resultat: Working on my fear of dentistry.

Firstly we chatted about the tapping points that I would need to carry out on myself under Julies instruction during the session.

Starting at a memory of my childhood with a traumatic experience in a dentist chair around age 9. My anger was a level 10+ after being hurt in an unnecessary way.

We worked though several rounds of tapping, breathing, humming, eye rolling and silence and slowly the anger levels became less and less down to zero. It was fascinating when i needed to violently cough which brought a good clearing.

Working with my younger self in that moment was interesting and I felt comfortable working with Julie in this way.

I enjoyed learning the areas to tap, and visualising energy and colours within my body and I will most definitely be using these techniques for a dentist visit next week!

Following my session I felt very relaxed and wanted to sleep.

Many thanks to Julie to fitting me in!

I will report back after my treatment!


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