Type: Klient

Kategori: Angst

Kort beskrivelse: Angst

Beskrivelse af problem: Flyangst

Behandling: 20-årig kvinde var meget bange for at flyve. Aktuelt skulle hun flyve flere week-ends mellem Nice og Geneve og var meget angst bare hun så sin pakkede kuffert. Havde svært ved at koncentrere sig på sit job dagene op til afrejsen. Efter 1 TFT- behandling dagen før turen og selvbehandling, forløb rejsen uden problemer:

“I´ve never been afraid to fly before. I used to take planes, without any apprehension.
But I discovered Jean Pierre Otelli and his books on plane crashes. The last time I took the plane to go to Paris, I was literally terrified….No way to be cured…I really needed to make the fear disappear.

I tried to be as concentrated as I could, Gitte was really kind with me.
Few minutes after the séance, I was anxious…During the night, I was really distressed and I did the gestures to feel better.
The next day, in the plane, seated and seat belt fastened, and when it took off, I was really relaxed and happy to fly above the Mediterranean sea.”

Resultat: N/A


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