Type: Klient

Kategori: Angst

Kort beskrivelse: Angst

Beskrivelse af problem: Elevatorangst.

Behandling: Elevator angst / afraid of elevators.

32-årig kvinde var som 12-årig lukket inde 1 ½ time i mørke i en elevator , der sad fast mellem 2 etager. Troede hun skulle dø.Har ikke siden været inde i en elevator.
Efter en TFT-behandling var tanken om at tage en elevator ikke så fjern for klienten, og hun bad selv om at vi prøvede med det samme. Vi tog elevatoren 4 gange og klienten føler nu at hun kan være i en elevator:

“20 years ago - when I was 12 - I was stuck in an elevator in a foreign country for l ½ hour in total darkness. I called for help and was screaming and thought I would die. At the same time I was embarrassed because somebody was waiting for me and I would be late.

I haven’t been in an elevator ever since and even the thought of it scarred me to death.

As I am living in a city with elevators in almost every building it would make life easier for me if I was able to get rid of my fear of elevators.

Gitte explained to me what TFT was -tapping into the body’s energy and clearing up blockages.

As we started the treatment it was a little strange with all this tapping and asking questions as what I felt , what I was thinking, what I was wearing at the time in the elevator , (and how uncomfortable I felt on a scale from 0 to 10), but after some time I felt more comfortable and after having visualized being in and taking an elevator, I suddenly said to Gitte that I was ready to try with her. I didn’t feel that I would die if the elevator was blocked between 2 floors - I simply would push the button for help and wait!!!

Gitte and I went out and took 4 trips in the elevator and she explained to me how the bottons work and showed me the control panel. A receptionist in the building showed me how he could see which elevator was stuck..
Afterwards I was showed how and were to tap myself if needed.

It was incredible that I took an elevator after so many years. I felt shocked afterwards. It was almost like an “out of body” experience. Very strange. That entire evening I think I was in shock from the experience .I couldn´t belive that I had taken the elevator! It was my worst fear but today I know that I will not die or get stuck forever.

Thank you Gitte.”

Resultat: N/A


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