EFT and psychological trauma

Professional training course

in the framework of Heilesen & Mygind


Trainer: Lars Mygind

Dates: Sunday November 22-Monday November 23 2020

Time: 10:00am–17:00pm

Venue: To be confirmed, in Copenhagen

Number of training hours per day: 7 (total of 14 hours over 2 days)

Contact : kontor@mygind.dk

More information CLICK HERE

This 3-day professional EFT training course consists of 16 learning modules designed to progressively develop your EFT skills. You will get detailed, step-by-step explanations of the basic concepts and key methods of clinical EFT.

Sessions include exercises designed to develop your skills and confidence: 8 hours of hands-on demonstrations and supervised exercises, as well as instructor advice and feedback.

Module 1: Neurophysiology of Healing

History and development of EFT
Stress: how it affects the body
Building bridges from existing beliefs to EFT
The physiological mechanisms underlying rapid healing
EFT is rooted in evolutionary biology and neuroscience

Module 2: EFT Basic Recipe

EFT’s full basic recipe
SUD or Subjective Units of Distress
Taking shortcuts: short form of the basic recipe
Making adjustments in subsequent rounds of EFT
Why EFT doesn’t focus on the positive first

Module 3: Maximizing EFT Effectiveness

Measuring progress
Daisy chains of issues
The importance of being specific
Psychological reversal and secondary gain
Cognitive shifts and exposure
Testing for completeness
How traumatic events imprint on the brain

Module 4: How the brain encodes emotional signals

The generalization effect
Handling excessive intensity
Disproportionate responses to emotional stimuli
Finding the words to use

Module 5: What makes an event traumatic?

Cognitive belief shifts
The role of insight in personal growth
The 4 characteristics of traumatizing events
How trauma is reinforced in the brain
3 methods to test treatment results

Module 6: Using the Movie Technique to Treat Trauma

How EFT erases the “trauma capsule”
The benefit of excessive intensity
The movie technique
Emotional crescendos within remembered events

Module 7: Applying EFT to physical symptoms and pain

EFT for aches and pains
Working with physical symptoms
Collaborating with a physician or mental health professional
What to do when self-acceptance is the problem

Module 8: Using EFT to overcome cravings and addiction

What to do when EFT doesn’t work
EFT for addictive cravings
Aspects of addictions
Borrowing benefits
The personal peace procedure

Module 9: Reviewing the Essentials of EFT

Examination of basic concepts
Personal experiences in applying EFT
Presenting EFT to clients and colleagues

Module 10: Three “soft techniques” to drown an emotion

Introduction to the gentle techniques for dealing with serious problems
Tearless trauma
Chasing the pain
Sneaking up on the problem
Sneaking away from the problem

Module 11: Reconsolidating emotional learning from childhood

Identifying childhood blocks that prevent you from reaching your full potential
Internalized critics
The writings on our walls
Clearing limiting beliefs

Module 12: Identifying events that make a personality

Tables and legs
Questions for uncovering core issues
Testing with questions and in vivo re-enacting
Core issues and physical symptoms

Module 13: Remote Delivery of EFT

The many formats and parameters in which EFT can be delivered
Things to consider for video sessions
Elements to consider for telephone sessions
Duration for different types of sessions

Module 14: Applying EFT to the five main areas of life

Tail enders and affirmations
Assessing beliefs with the validity of cognition scale
How to uncover tappable issues in tail enders

Module 15: Psychological trauma

EFT in groups
Giving borrowing benefits instructions to a group
Additional tapping points
Prevalence of psychological trauma
Reconsolidation and extinction of a memory
The 3 essential conditions to eliminate old memories
How EFT meets the 3 essential criteria

Module 16: Professional Ethics and Scope of Practice

Using EFT Children
Age-appropriate techniques
Surrogate tapping
Scope of practice
Informed consent
The EFT ethics code